How is micron helping its members to learn new technologies, any training calendar we publish ?
Nitesh R. asked during the live chat ASK US ANYTHING to Micron
Category: About us
Date asked: mardi, juillet 26, 2022
Last reviewed: mardi, juillet 26, 2022
Ashish K.
Hi How an Interdisciplinary (Electronics and Biotechnology) researcher can get a position at Miron? Does Micron India hire technology development scientist or just prefer for TCAD/Memory engineer
mardi, juillet 26, 2022
Marco P.
Hi Nitesh. Innovation is one of our core values, as we are always making new products that still do not exist on the market, so learning is fundamental at Micron. We do support our team members in their learning journey and we encourage them to be curious and having a grow mindset.
For instance, within the people organization every first friday of the month is a day dedicated to learning new things
mardi, juillet 26, 2022
Nitesh R.
Thanks Marco, that's sound great.
mardi, juillet 26, 2022
Marco P.
You are very welcome! We are always looking for people with different background and different experience, they can bring diversity and new ideas to Micron! Right now I am doing a master degree while working, I am so excited to apply what i am learning in the real world!
mardi, juillet 26, 2022
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