Picture of What are your expections from freshers who are joining to your team.

What are your expections from freshers who are joining to your team.

Picture of Mariya
Picture of Marco
2 responses

Shylaja Goraknath P. asked during the live chat Be the Change - It's Time to Drive it! to Micron

Category: Experience

Date asked: Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Last reviewed: Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Mariya N.

Mariya N.

Software Engineer

Hi Shylaja, thanks for joining
As a fresher, it is quite natural to be anxious about the expectations at corporate. Being one myself when I joined, the transition was quite smooth as the team you would be joining makes sure of your onboarding process, from a bootcamp of around 180 days to what you are expected in terms of your work, there are KT sessions held and your manager/team sees to it that you are comfortable in your new role.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Marco P.

Marco P.

Hi Shylaja, I think that we expect from our new team members is a growth mentality and willing to learn. As we keep developing and producing products that currently do not exist on the market we constantly need new ideas and therefore we always need to keep learning. What i mean by "growth mindset" is the willing to step out of your comfort zone and try everyday to do something better than the day before.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

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