Picture of How do you manage work-life balance?

How do you manage work-life balance?

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Picture of Amarnath
Picture of Jhansi Jagannadham
7 responses

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Work-life balance is one of the key aspects of the current scenario. How to manage that and how does Micron contribute in that aspect?

Arghya S. asked during the live chat Be the Change - It's Time to Drive it! to Micron

Category: Work Life Balance

Date asked: Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Last reviewed: Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Amarnath L.

Amarnath L.


In Micron, it is of utmost importance and well taken care of. We have several programs in Micron where TMs are ensured they have perfect Work life balance, Programs like Flexibility to work from Home (Hybrid Model) and limited period of Work from Anywhere is also there,

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Jhansi Jagannadham P.

Jhansi Jagannadham P.

India TA Lead

Primarily work-life balance can be attained by ensuring we prioritize our daily action items. As a company the leadership team does advocate ideas, suggestions that helps all of us optimize our time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Amarnath L.

Amarnath L.


We have close connect with your Managers and the flexibility is given on a case to case basis., You are free to talk to your Manager who would be flexible to review your workload and provide that flexibility.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Marco P.

Marco P.

Hi Arghya. Good point, work life balance is indeed one of the most important aspect of any job! In my opinion this is not a benefit, but something you have to create by yourself. They key is to maitaining balance between time for work, time for your family and welness.
When you join a new company there are a lot of new things and systems to learn, and might be a bit tough. But the more you get used to the company you work at, the more you understand how to manage your own schedule and achieve a good work life balance!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Jhansi Jagannadham P.

Jhansi Jagannadham P.

India TA Lead

Ex: our meeting time, ensuring only required attendees are in the call, be open to our managers on our time commitments(in case any). Managers here are very open and accommodative

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Divyesh P.

I would like to know more about hybrid model as I am new to company

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Picture of Jhansi Jagannadham P.

Jhansi Jagannadham P.

India TA Lead

We have flexi work arrangement to team members to support them. This can be discussed with manager more in detail once you join

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

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